Tuesday 20 January 2015

First School Devotional of 2015

Tamavua, Suva -

The school was privilege to have Elder Johansson of the seventy address us on our very first Devotional in this new school year. His message was timely and inspiring and kicked off the new school year with a bang.

Elder Johansson of the Seventy and Bro Michael Carthew, our school principal outside the school Gym.

We also had the privilege to see his daughter who is a current student at the school showcase her musical talents.

Below are a few important aspects of school life that he touched on:

*We are intelligence(Light & Truth), the glory of God not a subject or a textbook but you and I are intelligence of God.
*Intelligence is another word for “The Spirit of God”.
*The Holy Ghost helps us remember what we already we know. It brings things to our remembrance and we are here on earth to learn by faith.
*Our physical body can receive more light and truth compared to our spiritual bodies attains exaltation and helps us become like our Heavenly Father.
*Don’t blame the devil for our wrong choices but repent and take responsibility for making those choices. If we do this than we will have the power to truly change(we empower ourselves).
*We need to focus our hearts and mind on God and feel his love. As a result we can choose and act for ourselves and not be acted upon.
*ENJOY SCHOOL for this is “A GOSPEL OF JOY” and joy is the result of righteous living.